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Save Every Single Drop

Water Leak Detectors play an ever-important role in saving every single precious drop of water and more so now that we, as South Africans, are facing a devastating drought; perhaps the worst in history.

The scary statistics reveal that South Africa’s freshwater resources will be exhausted by 2030 unless we make a concerted effort to use our water more responsibly – this is according to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

We need to start thinking differently about water and treat it with greater respect – that is why it is imperative that all leaks are taken care of immediately by using the professional services of Water Leak Detectors viewing water in a new light.

South Africa is a Parched Land

Because South Africa is an arid land, we have little of this valuable resource at our disposal.

Annual rainfall is usually in the region of around 500 mm which is regarded as the least that is required for successful farming,

This accounts of at least 65% of South Africa while 21% of the country gets less than 200 mm annually.

Rainfall patterns are becoming increasingly erratic and the problem is becoming even more intensified.

Excessive evaporation is also adding to the problem.

Our fresh water supply is found in rivers, dams, underground and in water reservoirs.

The reasons for clean water might seem obvious, but we still need to change the way we think regarding this valuable resource:

All life depends on water to survive – that is why we need to make sure that we use every drop sparingly and wisely.

Did you know that 70% of the surface of the earth is covered with water but only 3% of this water is fresh and only one per cent is found in the rivers and lakes throughout the world?

In South Africa it is becoming increasingly important to treat our water resources with absolute respect – the western regions of the country in particular is extremely arid and the population is expanding so more people need fresh, clean water to survive.

Furthermore, if we contaminate our water resources eventually there will simply not be sufficient water for everyone. We need to take care of our rivers and dams because we and future generations depend heavily on them.

Why rivers are important:

Many farmers are wholly dependent on rivers to irrigate their farms – that is why we need to care for the ecosystems that rivers are dependent on for remaining healthy.

What you can do to make a difference

If you discover a leaking tap or suspect you have an underground leak but simply cannot find the source of the problem, it is time to call on professional Water Leak Detectors to solve this issue for you – after all water wasted is not only irresponsible but extremely expensive.

Remember every drop counts.